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From: Phil Bouchard (philippe_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-04-01 06:06:00


I got slowed down by a bug but fortunately I put my hands on it;
- I fixed and updated the version in the Vault.
- I have also made the headers compile fine under VC 8 but I haven't checked
out the executable (missing objects).
- I added safer support for array objects by limiting to access operator []
- I have replace "make_shifted_ptr" with "make_shifted_ptee" for efficiency
reasons. It is possible to fall it back to its predecessor but requires
some work,
- I wanted to change the way sets are merge and did so.

- Documentation.

BTW I think Shifted Pointer got removed from the review schedule. I thought
I didn't need documentation at that point but this is a short notice.


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