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From: Ulrich Eckhardt (doomster_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-04-29 06:54:36


I have in the past sometimes[1] described another alternative way to linking
and quite a few people also seemed interested. Basically, it works by
including the whole library code into the application that links to it.
However, as opposed to a header-only library, the code is only included once
in a translation unit of the linking program instead of inline via the header


   // lib.hpp:
   void foo();

   // lib.cpp:
   void foo() {

   // program1.cpp:
   #include <lib.hpp>

   // program2.cpp:
   #include <lib.hpp>

   // program_main.cpp:
   #include <lib.hpp>
   #include <lib.cpp>

   int main() {

As you see, lib.cpp is included into exactly one translation unit of the final
executable (it's up to the user to make sure that it's exactly done once).

Why bother?

The very simple reason is simplicity.

* Even on a system where I don't have admin access, I can easily download and
compile against Boost, without having to first compile shared/static libs or
having to modify paths in order for the runtime linker to find DLLs.

* Even if I had admin access, I would still be reluctant to installing Boost's

* When I'm testing different compiler settings trying to get another few
percent of performance, I don't have to compile another Boost version for
each compiler setting.

* I don't have to know which library to link to, which lowers entry barriers
for new Boost users.

* I can easily compile and distribute programs without having to worry about
required shared libraries.

* I have a guarantee that the library's ABI actually conforms to the ABI that
my program expects, simply because I compiled it with the exact same compiler


The main drawback is that you can't guarantee that library implementation code
is compiled with e.g. NOMINMAX defined. If an incompatible environment is
detected, I would simply use #error to alert the user.

Further, 'private' symbols (static functions or functions in anonymous
namespaces) can't be reused by different sourcefiles because they are all
compiled into the same translation units. If this happens, I would simply try
to rename things until the clash is resolved or maybe move them to a separate

Tasks to completion:

* Add one central file compile_inplace.cpp for each library. This would mean
that for Boost.Thread we then include "boost/thread/compile_inplace.cpp" from
exactly one translation unit in order to get it to work.

* Fix some code that doesn't lend itself to inclusion in user code. One
particular example is in Boost.Thread, where two sourcefiles include another
file that contains utility functions in an anonymous namespace. If both
sourcefiles are compiled by the same TU, the anonymous namespace is also
compiled twice leading to multiple definitions. Just adding an include guard

* Prepare import/export code. This is mainly a win32 task which means
programming the macros that control __declspec(dllexport) or
__declspec(dllimport). Basically this means switching to static linking
(where neither of the above are generated) but also turning off autolinking
(because there is no according library that the linker should link to).

* Add error checking. In particular, you must not e.g. include
compile_inplace.cpp if you are doing other kinds linking.

* Documentation updates. This mostly means adding this way of linking to the
pages that describe which library to link against as an alternative way. I
would even use this form in examples for the various libs exactly because it
is the easiest way to link against a library.

What do I need:

What I need is a folder on SVN for the branch and according write permissions
so I can actually work on it. Of course, I could also create a repository
somewhere and just branch Boost there, but this has the disadvantage that it
makes it harder to merge the changes back (SVN isn't particularly good on
inter-repository merges) and also it would make it easier for people to test
the branch (you could 'svn switch' to it and it would only transfer the
changes). Lastly, I do need access from two locations, one at work where I
could test win32 versions and one at home where I have a Linux/PPC for




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