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From: Paul Baxter (pauljbaxter_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-05-23 13:30:31

From: "Marshall Clow" <marshall_at_[hidden]>
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.lib.boost.devel
> So .... I guess the question is:
> With a release of boost every 3 months, do we need point
> releases (except in the case of a big mistake)? To put a very fine
> point on it, is there a reason to do a 1.35.1 release as well as a
> 1.36?

I echo this sentiment because I see how hard the release team have to work
for each release. Very much appreciated.

Perhaps an alternate strategy for interim fixes that explicitly creates just
a set of patches or updates could be formalised (or have I just missed it)?

I'm never sure what branch I need to retrieve to solve this. Perhaps always
having one labelled '1_35_latest_bugfix' is sufficient to get people

Thanks team, looking forward to a smooth 1.36

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