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From: troy d. straszheim (troy_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-05-29 06:41:39

Hey Hartmut, Joel,

I started playing with spirit-2/lex (on the trunk), specifically examples/lex/example4.cpp, thought
I'd try to parse some python. I've hit an error that was already asked about a month or so ago.
It appears to be because this guy:

doesn't have 'construct' overloads for various types (conversion to unsigned is the one
that comes up in the example). I dug around and found construct.hpp,

which does have them, but they forward to parse(), using proto placeholders from over in
support/placeholders.hpp. This ends up coming round again to assign_to.

At this point I can't decide whether this is going to be detangleable or not.
I thought I'd ask for some hints on what things are supposed to look
like in the end, if so. In any event, the code is absolutely fascinating. Time well spent.



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