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From: Johan Torp (johan.torp_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-05-30 11:08:24

Anthony Williams-4 wrote:
>> No, (f1 || f2).ready != f1.ready || f2.ready.
>> f1 can be ready and false, in which case we need to wait for f2 to become
>> ready until the composite future is ready.
> What does it mean for a shared_future<string> to be "ready and false"?
> I view "f1 || f2" as a short-hand for a call to wait_for_any(f1,f2)
> followed by either f1.get() or f2.get() depending on which was ready
> first.

I was talking about future operators. That is the composite future we got
from f1 || f2, not selecting the first one which is ready. This should
become ready when it has an evaluated value of true or false.

Anthony Williams-4 wrote:
>>> Java futures don't have this callback proliferation problem because they
>>> are
>>> abstract.
>>> class future
>>> {
>>> public:
>>> virtual void wait() = 0;
>>> virtual bool ready() = 0;
>>> };
>> There are other ways of solving this too, without exposing callbacks.
> Can you suggest some?

I already have, all of my proposals has solved this without exposing any
external callbacks. I propose adding a parent-child relationship to futures
which is only exposed the wait for any/all mechanism. The
promise-fullfillers does not only notify their own condition, they traverse
their future's parents and notify them too.

The future-expressions can be built up with expressive templates or using
some sort of future collection. Read my other posts in the review request
thread and you should get an idea.


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