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From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-06-23 16:02:02

Dean Michael Berris wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I've recently been playing around with a relatively simple idea:
> creating a generic associative generator.
> For some background, here's a simple problem (which is quite common in
> mathematics):
> I want to be able to pull out the nth fibonacci number in the
> fibonacci sequence. To do this, the traditional implementation in C++
> would be to create a function that yields the nth fibonacci number.
> This seems fine, because as C++ programmers we would be used to the
> notion of using functions. However, the traditional notion of a
> sequence in mathematics is a collection of values that can be indexed
> by a subscript. Consider:
> struct fibonacci {
> int operator () (int n) const {
> // ...
> };
> };
> boost::generator<int, int> const & fib = boost::generator<int,
> int>(fibonacci());
> std::cout << fib[1] << std::endl; // prints 1st fibonacci number
> std::cout << fib[2] << std::endl; // prints 2nd fibonacci number
> ...
> Now consider that you want to deal with the generator using an STL algorithm:
> std::copy(fib.begin(), fib.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, "
> ")); // prints the infinite sequence

If you're using Binet's formula, that's a pretty inefficient way to
compute all those Fibs, isn't it? Or does your generator cache nearby Fibs?

> The iterator implementation requires that the InputType (in this case,
> the second 'int' template parameter to the generator) be default
> constructable and has a defined prefix and/or postfix increment
> operator. The iterator models an InputIterator.
> Given this, I've attached the implementation which I'm opening up for
> comments.

Interesting; a const_iterator that can't be incremented ;-)

> If there is interest in this utility, I'm willing to write
> documentation and submit it for a formal review.
> The basic idea for this utility is to map a non-void unary function to
> a generator interface that provides an associative index operator
> (operator[]) which passes the sole argument as the argument to the
> wrapped function. This utility requires only the Boost.Function
> library, and has been tested with MSVC 2008 Express Edition.

Is this basically

  make_transform_iterator( make_counting_iterator( start ), f )

or is there more to it?

Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing

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