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From: Oliver Mueller (oliver.mueller_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-07-07 05:07:08

at the last boostcon i had the chance to be introduced to fusion by
dan and joel. i appreciate the idea of fusion a lot and the library
amazingly detailed. since we have already had great exposure to the
mpl the fusion concepts present ample opportunity for new ideas.
still, some little things sometimes make it hard for me to keep
rolling with fusion:

i need to have a vector/list of non-copy-constructible types. using
e.g. a standard fusion::vector that does not seem to be possible since
objects are constructed first, then copied. of course, i could provide
a public copy-constructor but that would in other places remove the
compiler enforced contract that those objects are not copied under any
i also cannot think of a good reason why it is nesseccary to copy in that case.
so is there a way of having a fusion sequence that does work on
non-copy-constructible types?

thanks for any suggestions,

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