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From: Christian Henning (chhenning_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-07-08 16:16:25

Hi there,

over the past few weeks I have rewritten the current opencv extension.
Now there is a lot more functionality available as it was before. The
following topics are covered:

* converting colorspaces ( gray, rgb, rgba, xyz, hsv, hls, and lab )
* drawing primitives ( line, rectangles, circle, polyline, and text )
* edge detection ( sobel, laplace, canny, ... )
* resizing images( nearest neighbor, linear, area, and cubic )
* smoothing ( blur, gaussian, median, and bilateral )

As usual this extension is header only, but a user would need to make
the opencv headers and libs available for compiling and linking. You
can download the extension here using subversion:

The folder structure is the same as with all boost libraries. There
are some tests that can be used for testing and for learning the
rather simple interface. Only the vc8 compiler has been used so far
and though I would like ask for some assistance for making the
extension compilable with gcc, for instance.

Please give me some insight of what you think and about what
functionality you might miss. I started to toy around with Tom
Brinkman's idea of stacking up operations to batch process them which
you can see in the drawing_test.cpp.


BTW: OpenCV is distributed with the BSD license and if I understand
wikipedia correctly there isn't any objection using it in commercial

"The BSD License allows proprietary commercial use, and for the
software released under the license to be incorporated into
proprietary commercial products. Works based on the material may even
be released under a proprietary license (but still must maintain the
license requirements)."[wikipedia]

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