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From: John Maddock (john_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-07-16 05:21:54

Michael Marcin wrote:
> I found the math constants library in the 1.35.0 release and it looks
> like it will be useful to me.
> I can't find it documented anywhere however. It is not in a detail
> folder so I assume it is a public library. I've found documentation
> for a Math Constants library on yahoo groups from what looks like the
> initial review of this library.
> Is this the same library? Where did the documentation go?

No it's not the same library, there were so many contrasting opinions on
what the library should look like that no consensus was ever reached :-(

The constants in the current Boost.Math are added on an ad-hock basis just
to "get the job done", and are best thought of as an implementation detail,
albeit a rather useful one! I've documented quite a few of the other
details, but apparently not this one: I'll add it to the TODO list. But
basically usage is:


HTH, John.

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