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From: John Bytheway (jbytheway+boost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-07-31 17:57:46

Brook Milligan wrote:
> John Bytheway writes:
> > I'm concerned about the behaviour of standard algorithms in this
> > context. For example, consider a general 'power' function
> There are some benefits deriving from the Domain library that I hope
> will reduce your concern.
> - Use of the generic power() is guarranteed to give the correct
> answer, regardless of the choice made for T. Perhaps that
> guarrantee is worth something.

Indeed. It's always a good first step! :)

> - A reasonable implementation of power() would use operator*=() and a
> reasonable implementation of polynomial_c (as described) would not
> define that. Thus, the user code you describe would never compile
> and a search for the reason why would quickly lead to the
> polynomial_pv type which gives the minimal conversions you seek.

A good point, but the implementation I was looking at (from the gcc
4.3.1 header ext/numeric) doesn't, because it actually supports
arbitrary MonoidOperations, not just multiply (and that in turn makes me
think that there's something missing in that implementation, but that's
another issue).

> - Developing a Domain-aware specialization of the power() algorithm
> could resolve the performance issues altogether. The algorithm
> would be generic and thus applicable to all types based upon the
> library, not just polynomials.

Could you easily write it such a way as to work well for both
Domain-based types and other types? (Clearly this is possible with
sufficient metaprogramming, but is it easy?)

> > I'm not sure what the best solution is, but one possibility is this:
> >
> > Support a runtime-domained type, which acts something like a
> > variant<polynomial_c, polynomial_pv>, but with operators defined on it.
> Rather than have this runtime cost, the library has a type deduction
> system that determines the appropriate return types based upon the
> axioms that govern the library's design. Thus, a Domain-aware
> implementation of the power() function can guarrantee that the
> argument is transformed at most once[1] and then only when necessary.
> This, I believe, offers the best possibility: any Domain-based
> argument type works, the minimum number of conversions is performed,
> there are no runtime costs associated with deciphering the types, and
> the algorithm is still completely generic.

Indeed. I agree that's the best solution, but it might be
overoptimistic to assume it's always a practical one. I feel runtime
typing has its uses, but I can't come up with a concrete example, so
perhaps I'm being too pessimistic.


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