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Subject: Re: [boost] Boost.Build merge?
From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-10-11 13:09:14

> The development process for libraries, at least that on
> does not require that library changes be changed piecemeal, and as I
> say
> in other email, I think it would be a mistake to require piecemeal
> merge of
> changes. It only imposes additional overhead.

I would agree with Validir on this. I see the process where one
makes (maybe alot) of changes in the trunk and once in a while
gets to a point where he thinks - this is a real improvement over
the current release ready branch and then does the merge.

> Speaking of early freezing, I think we should be pragmatic.

I would like to see all tests run with the boost build and boost
test in the release ready branch. This would permit developers
of these tools to feel comfortable about commiting changes which
might break something without creating a lot of problems for those
using these tools. This would permit boost build to progress
at its own schedule and pace while maintaining an ever
improving product for use by boost and others. This would
eliminate the requirement for any kind of "freeze"

The same goes for boost documentation which I would
really like to use. But I don't feel confident that "it
just works"

Robert Ramey

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