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Subject: Re: [boost] Preview 3 of the Geometry Library
From: Michael Marcin (mike.marcin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-10-17 12:46:15

Mathias Gaunard wrote:
> Simonson, Lucanus J wrote:
>> Bruno wrote:
>>> Indeed it's something that should be done, we had a quick discussion
>>> about that with Barend and decided to postpone that for now. This kind
>>> of subject is never easy. For example, I'd like to rename circle into
>>> hypersphere or nsphere, but then we'll also have to clarify the
>>> meaning of some algorithms. For example what we currently call the
>>> area of a circle is actually the volume of an hypershere<2>...
>> My preference would be to have a circle data type, a sphere data type
>> and a hypersphere data type. Only the hypersphere would be
>> parameterized on dimension. The user would pick the object that is
>> named for what they want. If a user wants a circle they are going to be
>> frustrated and confounded that we provide them nsphere<2>.
> circle would just be a typedef for nsphere<2>.
> Still, that has issues, since you will only be able to use that in 2D
> space. So if you want to use a 'circle' in 3D, it won't work, since it
> needs to know in which plan the circle is.

Do you mean typedef in the literal sense? I thought these were
structures were supposed to work with multiple data types. Template
typedefs aren't available until C++0x. Is this library still targeting
the current standard? I'm a bit confused.


Michael Marcin

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