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Subject: [boost] [zip_iterator] Understanding why.
From: Robert Jones (robertgbjones_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-10-27 10:24:26

Zip iterator implements the functionality I need to advance associated
iterators through different ranges, but it seems strangly awkward to
use, which is odd for Boost. so I'm wondering if I've misunderstood
the design paradigms.

Given two ranges (say vectors), I'd like to be able to generate an
iterable composite, anditerate through that, something like

vector<int> v1;
vector<int> v2;

typedef zip_composite<int, int> Z;
Z zip( v1, v2 );

for ( Z::iterator i=zip.begin( ); i !=zip.end( ); ++i )
    // ... blah, blah, blah

Is this impossible or undesirable to implement for reasons I've not

Thanks, Rob.

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