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Subject: Re: [boost] Reflection?
From: Jeremy Pack (rostovpack_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-11-03 12:25:13

Boost.Reflection handles multiple and virtual inheritance fine.

The main difference between the approaches is that Boost.Reflection does not
require any global structures.

A basic example similar to yours would look something like:

map<string, reflection> reflections;
  // doSomething's parameters are deduced automatically if possible.
  .function(&animal::doSomething, "doSomething")
  .data(&someData, "someData"); // etc.

  .constructor() // use the default constructor
  .constructor<int, const char*>() // provide a parameterized constructor
  .function(&baboon::someAnimalThing, "someAnimalThing");

reflection& baboon_reflection = reflections["baboon"];
instance_constructor baboon_factory = baboon_reflection.get_constructor();
instance baboon_instance = baboon_factory.create();
reflected_function<> someAnimalThing =
// Call someAnimalThing

reflected_function<int, const string&> doSomething =
doSomething(baboon_instance, 5, "hello");
// etc.

I wrote that from memory so some of the syntax may be off (I don't have
enough time today to do more with it).

The library interface is changing a bit over the next few weeks as I prepare
to submit the Boost.Extension library (of which this is a part) for review.
The code will be moving from the libs/reflection directory to the
libs/extension directory, switching namespaces, etc.


On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 9:05 PM, Jean-Louis Leroy <jl_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> Jeremy Pack wrote:
>> I'm working on Boost.Reflection - see
>> I
>> gave a presentation on it at BoostCon this year.
> Thanks. I have looked at the code in the svn repo (which I had not found
> when browsing the boost website).
> Do you have an example of how it's used? Is it similar to my example? Can
> it cope with multiple or virtual inheritance? In your code I don't see where
> address adjustment is done...
> Jean-Louis
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