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Subject: Re: [boost] [threadpool] mixture of recursive invokation and fibers?
From: Oliver Kowalke (k-oli_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-11-05 03:30:25

> Could you tell me more about when we need more that one pool (piplined
> architectures for instance)?

Pipelined architectures could be used in network-applications/services (for instance web-services).
The idea is to parallelize the receiving, parsing, processing of network-messages in different stages. Each stage could have its own threadpool (the stages maybe also use only one pool). The pattern comes from the pipeline architecture of modern RISC processors.
A better description can be found here (chapter 6):

> Even if this is the case, this do not forbid to have enablers/disablers
> taking the pool as parameter.


> If at the end we think that it would be interesting to have a default
> thread pool we can have namespace the_thread_pool which defines
> enablers/disablers respect to this default thread pool.

maybe we can hijack this_thread - a static threadpool with some default configuration (channel type etc.)?


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