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Subject: Re: [boost] location for PDF docs?
From: John Maddock (john_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-11-05 13:39:25

Paul A Bristow wrote:

>>> I'll take a look at this and see how easily I can generate SVG
>>> images from LaTeX source; PDFs should be easy to generate, so
>>> perhaps I should try that first...
>> The unfinished code to generate SVG graphs as used for the Math
>> Toolkit exists, but is largely documentation-deficient :-(
>> But if you just want simple XY plots and have data values that could
>> be read into (or generated by) a C++ array, I could try to produce
>> some plots for you.

I believe they're mostly equations in Latex form, not plots. In which case
generating PDF's for each equation should be viable: both XEP and FOP
support extracting/embedding them in PDF output, but I'm not sure how the
toolchain as a whole responds to PDF's since it's not something I've tried


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