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Subject: Re: [boost] [MPL.Math] ratio
From: Cromwell Enage (sponage_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-11-13 15:30:18

--- On Thu, 11/13/08, Matthias Schabel <boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> I think what Cromwell is talking about is coming up with extensions to
> MPL to do compile-time mathematical operations, which would be neat.

That is the job of MPL.Math, yes. A currently undocumented implementation exists in the BoostPro Computing Vault. Hopefully I still have an account in the Sandbox SVN so I can move my stuff there.

> Steven came up with a basic compile-time linear solver for
> Boost.Units, but it would be extremely cool to have this
> functionality abstracted out into a more general library...

Neat! I'll need to study this linear solver. It'll give me something to chew on while I'm whipping up the documentation.

We should continue this discussion in a separate thread. I'll start a new one in the next few minutes.

Cromwell D. Enage


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