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Subject: Re: [boost] How do I change template-depth for the qcc toolset so that the accumulator tests pass
From: Steven Watanabe (watanabesj_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-11-17 14:34:01


Niklas Angare wrote:
> The accumulators/test/weighted_tail_variate_means test fails with
> "template instantiation depth exceeds maximum of 100" with the qcc
> toolset. I've tried to increase the depth by editing
> tools/build/v2/tools/qcc.jam so that it's like gcc.jam which has a
> default depth of 128 but the compiler is still called with
> -Wc,-ftemplate-depth-100.
> How do I change the default depth? I've tried the attached patch which
> makes that section of the file equal to gcc.jam but it doesn't work. I
> also tried leaving the $(1) which I have no idea what it does but the
> result was the same.

Try passing c++-template-depth=128 to bjam

In Christ,
Steven Watanabe

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