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Subject: Re: [boost] [python] Bug during build process?
From: Vladimir Prus (vladimir_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-12-03 15:26:09

Robert Dailey wrote:

> Hi,
> I execute the following command to build the entire boost 1.37 library with
> python debugging ON:
> *bjam --toolset=msvc --layout=system link=shared threading=multi
> variant=debug python-debugging=on stage*
> I then use dependency walker <> to load the
> file *boost_python-mt-gyd.dll* and I see that both python25.dll and
> python25_d.dll are being loaded side by side. This obviously shouldn't be
> happening and only python25_d.dll should be loaded. Is there a bug in the
> build script for boost python, or am I doing something wrong?

Sounds like a bug. Can you run the same command, adding

        --with-python -a -n

to the options you already have, and report the exact command line
used to link the Boost.Python DLL? It might be using a response file,
the content of which should be printed eariler -- I need that too.


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