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Subject: Re: [boost] building boost (regex) in mingw
From: Lorenzo Bettini (bettini_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-12-16 04:56:43

John Maddock wrote:
> Lorenzo Bettini wrote:
>>> I've also tried
>>> bjam --build-dir=./tmp --toolset=gcc stage --with-regex
>>> but this does not create .a .so files, but only .lib files that I
>>> cannot
>>> use with mingw compiler...
> Oh yes you can use them :-)
> For linking to the dll's, just pass the name of the dll on the linker
> command line, no need for a .a file at all. For static linking you can
> either pass the linker the full name of the .lib file, or else rename it
> to a .a extension so you can use -lboost_regex to link.

Well, actually I need to use my program and the libraries with autotools...

would it work the same even with .dll and .lib?

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