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Subject: Re: [boost] Asking for feedback for book (in German) about the Boost C++ libraries
From: Boris (boriss_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-12-19 04:15:27

On Sun, 14 Dec 2008 14:52:15 +0100, Andreas Pokorny
<andreas.pokorny_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> [...]Furthermore you should really rework the timer service example:
> "[...] Während eine synchrone Operation wie wait lediglich auf die
> Dienst-Implementation zugreift, um eine blockierende Methode
> aufzurufen, erfolgt dies für eine asynchrone Operation wie async_wait
> mit Hilfe eines Threads. Der Trick bei asynchronen Operationen ist
> also der, dass eine blockierende Funktion einfach in einem Thread
> aufgerufen wird."
> Instead of advertising worker threads for blocking function calls as
> "the trick" for asyncronous operations, you should explain why this is
> a rather dirty and expensive fallback - only required if no other
> solution can be found. Doing it the right way is not as easy as in the
> current example from the book, but far more interesting.

Thanks for your feedback! But to what other interface in Boost.Asio are
actually referring? I can only think of posix::stream_descriptor and
windows::stream_handle which make it possible to integrate a simple file
descriptor or Windows HANDLE which are used by many API functions on those
platforms. Do you mean these classes? Then I guess I should add another
section first before I use the helper thread as a last resort?


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