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Subject: Re: [boost] [TR1] Problems with TR1 include paths with Mingw?
From: John Maddock (john_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-02-10 11:21:27

> I've got some code that i've been building with MSVC that uses the TR1 lib
> by adding the boost/tr1/tr1 dir to the include path, which i'm now trying
> to
> build using Mingw/msys.
> It seems to build ok using the code on the release branch, but using the
> current trunk i get:
> d:/Boost/BoostSVN/boost/tr1/detail/config_all.hpp:162:41: error:
> ../4.3.2/utility: No such file or directory
> Am i doing something silly, or have the recent changes to the include
> logic
> broken something for Mingw?
> For reference, i'm using the GCC 4.3.2 build from

Sigh... unfortunately it's quite likely that I've broken something :-(

I'll look into it: but getting gcc's configuration correct is verging on the
impossible at present!!


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