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Subject: [boost] RFC: interest in Unicode codecs?
From: Graham (Graham_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-02-12 14:51:27

Dear Cory,

Your UTF standard conversion class looks very interesting.

It does however, not give access to the unicode data for grapheme or
glyph work.

I posted a full unicode character support library at

but Rogier and I ran out of time before completing the string class to
go with it.

If you feel up to it and want to develop a full Unicode support library
in addition to your codec, feel free !


Graham Barnett
>Is there interest in having a Unicode codec library submitted to Boost?
>Here is what I have (only tested with GCC 4.3 on Debian, and VC++
>Right now it is pretty simple to use:
>transcode<utf8, utf16le>(forwarditerator, forwarditeratorend,
>outputiterator, traits [, maximum]);
>transcode<wchar_encoding, utf32be>(inputrange, outputrange, traits
>There is also a codecvt facet which supports any-to-any.
>Supports UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32, in little or big endian. Has a
>special wchar_encoding that maps to UTF-16 or UTF-32 depending on your
>platform. A traits class controls error handling.
>Cory Nelson

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