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Subject: Re: [boost] [1.38] PDF docs release candidate available
From: John Maddock (john_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-02-19 13:17:16

>> I think in the long run, since the first column is mostly empty, could
>> this table be split into 2 tables with just 3 columns each: one for
>> build.bat on Windows and one for on Unix?
> Sure... But I doubt I'm the only one that has preformated text on the
> last column of a wide table. Is there a way to tell it to go ahead and
> force wrap the cell content? And also to have it auto-size the columns,
> like HTML, as the first column has extra padding?

I've tracked this down to a bug in our XSL customization layer (a
"keep-together" attribute was being interpreted a little more literally than
I was expecting), I've also changed verbatim blocks (i.e. code blocks) to
allow line-wrapping using a "carriage return" character as a hyphenation
character, so very long lines of code don't get truncated any more.

On the table column width front, I've no idea how to fix this, I'll try and
seek some advice on this from the RenderX folks,

Meanwhile the latest PDF build is now on the FTP server,


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