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Subject: Re: [boost] [python] Making a Python tuple from a Fusion sequence
From: Sergey Popov (loonycyborg_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-02-27 14:12:28

На Fri, 27 Feb 2009 11:38:37 -0500
Stefan Seefeld <seefeld_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> Yes, but it will still be a dependency for packagers that try to build
> modular boost packages.
> A potential packager who attempts to build a boost.python package will
> either have to make the newly generated boost.python package dependent
> on a boost.fusion package, or he will have to exclude this header from
> his boost.python package.
> This question is by far not specific to this particular case. On Fedora,
> for example, there is only a single 'boost' package, containing
> everything (not exactly modular, isn't it ?!). Debian provides a
> 'boost-python' package, but it drags in dependencies to things as
> tangential as 'boost-serialization' !

What is the advantage of splitting boost in tiny pieces? I don't see much
benefit in it and have no idea why Debian does that.
Also, even Debian isn't braindead enough to have separate package for
Boost.Fusion. It's part of libboost-dev which boost_python depends on anyway.

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