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Subject: [boost] [asio] basic_datagram_socket::send_to
From: Miroslav Beranič ml. (miroslav.beranic_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-03-23 12:54:14


will method basic_datagram_socket::send_to flush data immediately to
the endpoint or will first fill its internal buffer and than flush
data to endpoint? I would like to make sure, data gets flushed to
endpoint when this method is called.

Is there any other way to flush data to endpoint?
Does any socket::set_option(option); makes difference to behaviour of
send_to method ?
Why isn't it possible to set buffer size lower than 1024 (low-level
restriction?), with method (basic_datagram_socket::send_buffer_size())

There is no documentation about this.

Best regards,
Miroslav Beranič ml.

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