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Subject: Re: [boost] Back to Boost.SIMD - Some performances ...
From: Joel Falcou (joel.falcou_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-03-26 15:08:18

Michael Fawcett a écrit :
> Joel, how does the extension detection mechanism work? Is there as
> mall runtime penalty for each function as it detects which path would
> be optimal, or can you define at compile-time what extensions are
> available (e.g. if you are compiling for a fixed hardware platform,
> like a console).
I have a #ifdef/#elif structure that detects which extension have been
set up ont he compiler and I match this with a platform detection to
know where to jump and how to overload some functions or class definition.

I tried the runtime way and it was fugly slow. So I'm back to a
compile-time detection as performance was critical.

Joel Falcou - Assistant Professor
PARALL Team - LRI - Universite Paris Sud XI
Tel : (+33)1 69 15 66 35

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