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Subject: Re: [boost] [proto] transforms && rvalue refs
From: Eric Niebler (eric_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-03-30 13:51:27

troy d. straszheim wrote:
> Eric Niebler wrote:
>> Using expression templates to eliminate unnecessary temporaries is a
>> well understood idiom; it's why expression templates were invented in
>> the first place. You don't need rvalue references at all.
>> Could you say more about what you are trying to do and why you think
>> rvalue references are needed?
> Maybe I've missed something stupid or have organized things so as to
> cause myself trouble. In an expression like
> // these contain pointers to memory out on the GPU
> array<float> A, B(10,10), C(10,10);
> A = exp(B) * C;
> When it is time to evaluate the expression, the grammar fires the
> transform for exp(B) first. It creates a temporary T with the same
> dimensions as B and and a function is called to compute the result into
> T. Now 'T * C' happens. In this case there is an available temporary,
> 'T', so the result can go right in to T. T is returned and moved in to
> A. Done... at least, that's the idea.

This is how the expression would be evaluated eagerly -- that is, in the
absence of expression templates -- right?

> So how should these transforms know whether their arguments are
> overwritable or not? I didn't see how to get the 'slicing through the
> expression' approach, as in the calc examples, with contexts and
> overloaded operator[], to work here: each step of the calculation has
> to get done all at once, via a function call. But maybe it is time to
> go back and look again.

You use expression templates when you can take advantage of
domain-specific knowledge combined with a complete description of the
expression tree you're trying to evaluate to perform domain-specific
optimizations like loop unrolling. You need to ask yourself, "What
special features of my domain abstraction can I use to optimize the
evaluation of this expression?" If the answer is "rvalues," then that's
not an answer that justifies the use of expression templates. If you can
find a way to use the full expression to precompute the size of the
result and compute it in-place, *now* you're talking. See?

Eric Niebler
BoostPro Computing

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