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Subject: Re: [boost] request for interest in a garbage collection library
From: joaquin_at_[hidden]
Date: 2009-04-21 10:13:56

Gregory Peele ARA/CFD escribió:
> In favor of garbage collection in general, though - for some use cases, especially those that don't use non-memory resources, it makes a lot of sense. The Boehm guys claim that garbage collection can be a significant performance win for workloads involving large numbers of small objects, as compared to C++ new / delete - especially in multithreaded environments.

AFAICS, you can have an implementation of delete where "delete p" simply
the destructor of the object pointed to by p and then passes p to an
garbage collector that will reclaim the memory in due time. This way you
determinstic resource liberation *and* GC speed.

My point behind this is: you can have memory management as fast as any
GC can achieve and still retain RAII style. No need to force users to
resort to GC for
performance's sake.

Joaquín M López Muñoz
Telefónica, Investigación y Desarrollo

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