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Subject: [boost] [future] usage question for new accepted library
From: Alan Patterson (alan.patterson_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-05-14 07:22:34

I see Anthony William's future implementation has been accepted over
Braddock Gaskill's.

I have been using Braddocks implementation and in particular a couple of
features which I believe are not in Anthony's implementation. So I am
looking for some pointers for how I might do the following with the
accepted futures implementation.

1) Using the implicit cast of future<T> to T.

I have an application where I can submit jobs to a scheduler, have them
executed and provide me with a return value.

My scheduler uses a policy for implementation:

The user submits a task and gets the result like

result_type r = scheduler.submit(some_task());

where result_type is obtained from the scheduler and can either be of
type T for single_threaded or future<T> for threadpools.
Either way the client doesn't care which, because he can use a T or
future<T> identically IF future<T> casts to T.

I like this because the client never knows anything about futures, he
treats all result_types as type T.

I guess the way to do this with the accepted future implementation is to
create a template function that does the following:

T actual_r = get<result_type>(r);

which call get() if it is a future or just returns r if not. But this is
no where near as nice IMHO. The user no longer just uses the result_type
of his task directly for what seems to be a basic type.

2) callbacks when future is set

I have a usage scenario where I submit a batch of tasks where I collect
results until I either have the result I want or collect enough that I
can return what I have. This is neither a wait_for_any or a
wait_for_all, more a kind of wait_until_i_have_enough.

I currently implement this by submitting the batch of tasks and getting
a batch of futures. I then register a callback on each future that gets
called as each future gets set. The callback collects results as they
come in and can decide to bail out early if it has enough results.

How would I go about implementing this usage with the new futures

Thanks in advance and sorry for the long post.


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