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Subject: Re: [boost] SQL client library ?
From: Stefan Strasser (strasser_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-09-16 17:23:19

Am Wednesday 16 September 2009 21:13:25 schrieb Jean-Louis Leroy:
> > I'd welcome such a library very much, as I'm developing an object
> > persistence library for boost
> Ironically object-relational mapping is my real focus. I'm toying with
> this lib as an en-route. Boost has been there for a long time, it's
> surprising that there is no Boost.RDB yet.

my proposal will be ready for review pretty soon, I'm working on documentation
and optimizations.
the internals are pretty hardcoded to using an own transaction mechanism and
storage backend right now, but there's nothing in the interface that would
prevent us from making both libraries work together later on.

I've also thought about a query funtionality for my library, like SQL SELECT
provides, but concluded its beyond the scope of my library. but it would be
great if there would be a query language/syntax once, that covers querying
SQL databases, persistent objects and querying from STL containers all at
conceptually there is little difference between a SQL index column, a std::map
and a bunch of objects with an index field.

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