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Subject: [boost] [Property map] 1.40.0 breaks boost.graph python bindings
From: John Reid (j.reid_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-10-09 11:42:44

I'm using gcc 4.2.4 on Ubuntu. The boost.graph python bindings
( work fine with boost 1.39.
When I try with boost 1.40 I get many errors such as the following:

./boost/graph/python/resizable_property_map.hpp:101: error: ‘class
         boost::default_color_type, boost::graph::python::basic_index_map<
void *>, boost::bidirectionalS>, boost::adj_list_edge_property_map<
                 boost::bidirectional_tag, long unsigned int, const long
unsigned int &, void *, const boost::property<boost::edge_index_t, long
unsigned int, boost::no_property>, boost
                 ::edge_index_t>>>’ has no member named ‘get_store’

Does anyone know what changed between 1.39 and 1.40 to break this? The
Readme.txt that comes with boost 1.40 suggests that nothing was updated
in the property map library.

BTW it doesn't compile with gcc 4.3 either but then neither does it
compile with boost 1.39 (albeit for different reasons).

I can provide all of the error messages if needed.


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