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Subject: Re: [boost] [BGL] Multithread problem inserting edges and exploring the same graph
From: Cosimo Calabrese (cosimo.calabrese_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-10-21 14:55:02

Cosimo Calabrese ha scritto:
> Jeremiah Willcock wrote:
>> That only works if both graphs are adjacency_lists and you have
>> control over the graph types. I would personally just make:
>> template <typename T>
>> struct from_first_graph {T data;};
>> template <typename T>
>> struct from_second_graph {T data;};
>> and then have my variants be:
>> boost::variant<from_first_graph<graph_traits<First>::vertex_descriptor>,
>> from_second_graph<graph_traits<Second>::vertex_descriptor>
>> and the same for edge descriptors. This will disambiguate the types
>> for arbitrary graphs.
> It seems a very good idea to me. I'm trying it. I'll tell you about it

I'm nearly to the end of the work, but I've encountered a problem. I've
implemented all the traversal concepts, but I'm in difficulty with the
Property concepts, in particular on the get( property, key ) function. I
don't understand where I'm wrong. I was inspired by the filtered_graph
and reverse_graph adaptor, but without results.

Sure, I'm relatively new to Boost, and I haven't understand very well
how the property lib works, applied on the BGL.

I attach 3 files:
- the union_different_iterator, that provides a union view of 2 containers;
- the union_graph, that provides a union view of 2 graphs (that uses
- a main module, that tests the union_graph.

Please, can anyone help me?

Cosimo Calabrese.

#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graph_utility.hpp>

#include "union_graph.hpp"

using namespace boost;
using namespace std;

namespace boost
        // properties installation
        enum vertex_originality_t { vertex_originality = 101 };
        enum edge_ID_t { edge_ID = 102 };
        enum edge_originality_t { edge_originality = 103 };
        BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY(vertex, originality);
        BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY(edge, originality);

typedef property< vertex_name_t, string,
                                property < vertex_originality_t, bool > > vertexs_properties;
typedef property < edge_ID_t, long,
                        property < edge_weight_t, long,
                                property < edge_originality_t, bool > > > edges_properties;
typedef adjacency_list< listS, vecS, directedS, vertexs_properties, edges_properties > Graph;
typedef property_map< Graph, edge_weight_t >::type edge_weight_map_t;

int main()
        // Setup Test
        const long NUM_VERTICES = 10;
        graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor e;
        bool inserted;

        // base hraph
        Graph baseGraph( NUM_VERTICES );
        edge_weight_map_t edge_weight_map_base = get( edge_weight, baseGraph );

        for ( long i = 0; i < NUM_VERTICES ; ++i )
                // 0->1, 1->2, 2->3, ... n->n+1 ..., 9->0
                tie(e, inserted) = add_edge( i % NUM_VERTICES, (i + 1) % NUM_VERTICES, baseGraph );
                if ( inserted )
                        edge_weight_map_base[ e ] = 1;

        cout << "Base graph:" << endl;
        print_graph( baseGraph );
        cout << endl;

        // little graph
        Graph littleGraph( NUM_VERTICES );
        edge_weight_map_t edge_weight_map_little = get( edge_weight, littleGraph );

        tie(e, inserted) = add_edge( 0, 6, littleGraph );
        if ( inserted )
                edge_weight_map_little[ e ] = 1;

        cout << "Little graph:" << endl;
        print_graph( littleGraph );
        cout << endl;

        // union graph
        //cout << "Union graph:" << endl;
        //print_graph( make_union_graph( baseGraph, littleGraph ) );
        //cout << endl;

        // union graph, test vertex (0)
        typedef union_graph<Graph, Graph> UG;
        UG ug = make_union_graph( baseGraph, littleGraph );
        graph_traits<UG>::vertex_descriptor u = WR1<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor>( 0 );

        // Test 1: out_edges e out_degree
                graph_traits<UG>::out_edge_iterator oei, oei_end;
                for ( tie( oei, oei_end ) = out_edges( u, ug ); oei != oei_end; ++oei )
                        graph_traits<UG>::vertex_descriptor t = target( *oei, ug );

                        cout << "Outer target: ";
                        if ( boost::get<WR1<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor> >( &t ) )
                                cout << boost::get<WR1<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor> >( t )._data << endl;
                                cout << boost::get<WR2<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor> >( t )._data << endl;
                cout << "Out degree: " << out_degree( u, ug ) << endl << endl;
        // Bidirectionality required for this test
        // Test 2: in_edges, in_degree e degree
                graph_traits<UG>::in_edge_iterator iei, iei_end;
                for ( tie( iei, iei_end ) = in_edges( u, ug ); iei != iei_end; ++iei )
                        graph_traits<UG>::vertex_descriptor s = source( *iei, ug );

                        if ( boost::get<WR1<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor> >( &s ) )
                                cout << boost::get<WR1<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor> >( s )._data << endl;
                                cout << boost::get<WR2<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor> >( s )._data << endl;
                cout << "In degree: " << in_degree( u, ug ) << endl;
                cout << "Degree: " << degree( u, ug ) << endl;

        // Test 3: adjacent_vertices
                graph_traits<UG>::adjacency_iterator ai, ai_end;
                for ( tie( ai, ai_end ) = adjacent_vertices( u, ug ); ai != ai_end; ++ai )
                        cout << "Adjacency: ";
                        if ( boost::get<WR1<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor> >( &*ai ) )
                                cout << boost::get<WR1<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor> >( *ai )._data << endl;
                                cout << boost::get<WR2<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor> >( *ai )._data << endl;
                cout << endl;

        // Test 4: num_vertices, vertices
                cout << "Num vertices: " << num_vertices( ug ) << endl;

                graph_traits<UG>::vertex_iterator vi, vi_end;
                for ( tie( vi, vi_end ) = vertices( ug ); vi != vi_end; ++vi )
                        cout << "Graph Vertex: ";
                        boost::get<WR1<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor> >( &*vi );
                        if ( boost::get<WR1<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor> >( &*vi ) )
                                cout << boost::get<WR1<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor> >( *vi )._data << endl;
                                cout << boost::get<WR2<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor> >( *vi )._data << endl;
                cout << endl;

        // Test 5: num_edges, edges, source, target
                cout << "Num edges: " << num_edges( ug ) << endl;

                graph_traits<UG>::edge_iterator ei, ei_end;
                for ( tie( ei, ei_end ) = edges( ug ); ei != ei_end; ++ei )
                        cout << "Graph edge: ";

                        graph_traits<UG>::vertex_descriptor s = source( *ei, ug );
                        graph_traits<UG>::vertex_descriptor t = target( *ei, ug );
                        if ( boost::get<WR1<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor> >( &s ) )
                                cout << boost::get<WR1<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor> >( s )._data;
                                cout << boost::get<WR2<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor> >( s )._data;

                        cout << "->";

                        if ( boost::get<WR1<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor> >( &t ) )
                                cout << boost::get<WR1<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor> >( t )._data;
                                cout << boost::get<WR2<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor> >( t )._data;

                        cout << endl;
                cout << endl;

        // Test 6: edge
                graph_traits<UG>::vertex_descriptor u = WR2<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor>( 0 );
                graph_traits<UG>::vertex_descriptor v = WR1<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor>( 6 );

                graph_traits<UG>::edge_descriptor e;
                bool exists;

                tie( e, exists ) = edge( u, v, ug );
                cout << ( exists ? "This edge exists" : "This edge doesn't exists" ) << endl << endl;

        // Test 7: properties
                graph_traits<UG>::vertex_descriptor u = WR1<graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor>( 0 );

                typedef property_map< Graph, vertex_index_t >::type vertex_index_map_t;
                vertex_index_map_t indexmap = get( vertex_index, ug );
                //get( indexmap, ug, u );


#include <boost/variant.hpp>

#include <iterator>
#include <utility>

using namespace std;

template <typename FI1, typename FI2, template <typename> class WR_A, template <typename> class WR_B>
class union_different_iterator
        : public std::iterator< forward_iterator_tag,
                              WR_A<typename iterator_traits<FI1>::value_type>,
                              WR_B<typename iterator_traits<FI2>::value_type>
        typedef union_different_iterator<FI1, FI2, WR_A, WR_B> self;

        typedef typename iterator_traits<FI1>::value_type value_type1;
        typedef typename iterator_traits<FI2>::value_type value_type2;


        union_different_iterator( FI1 begin_a, FI1 end_a, FI2 begin_b, FI2 end_b )
                : _begin_a( begin_a ), _end_a( end_a ), _curr_a( begin_a ),
                  _begin_b( begin_b ), _end_b( end_b ), _curr_b( begin_b )

        union_different_iterator( const self& other )
                : _begin_a( other._begin_a ), _end_a( other._end_a ), _curr_a( other._curr_a ),
                  _begin_b( other._begin_b ), _end_b( other._end_b ), _curr_b( other._curr_b )

        const self& operator=( const self& other )
                _begin_a = other._begin_a;
                _end_a = other._end_a;
                _curr_a = other._curr_a;
                _begin_b = other._begin_b;
                _end_b = other._end_b;
                _curr_b = other._curr_b;


        bool operator==( const self& other ) const
                return ( _curr_a == other._curr_a ) && ( _curr_b == other._curr_b );

        bool operator!=( const self& other ) const
                return !this->operator == ( other );

        /*const*/ value_type operator*() const
                return _curr_a == _end_a ?
                           value_type( WR_B<value_type2>( *_curr_b ) ) :
               value_type( WR_A<value_type1>( *_curr_a ) ) ;
        value_type operator*()
                return _curr_a == _end_a ?
                           value_type( WR_B<value_type2>( *_curr_b ) ) :
               value_type( WR_A<value_type1>( *_curr_a ) ) ;

        const pointer operator->() const
                return _curr_a == _end_a ? _curr_b.operator->() : _curr_a.operator->();

        pointer operator->()
                return _curr_a == _end_a ? _curr_b.operator->() : _curr_a.operator->();
        self& operator++()
                if ( _curr_a == _end_a )
                return *this;

        self operator++(int)
                self tmp = *this; ++( *this ); return tmp;

        self& operator--()
                if (_curr_b == _begin_b )
                return *this;
        self operator--(int)
                self tmp = *this; --( *this ); return tmp;

        template <typename T>
        bool isTypeOf()
                if ( _curr_a == _end_a )
                        return boost::is_same<WR_B<T>, WR_B<value_type2> >::value;
                        return boost::is_same<WR_A<T>, WR_A<value_type1> >::value;

        FI1 _begin_a;
        FI1 _end_a;
        FI1 _curr_a;
        FI2 _begin_b;
        FI2 _end_b;
        FI2 _curr_b;

template <typename FI1, typename FI2, template <typename> class WR_A, template <typename> class WR_B>
inline union_different_iterator<FI1, FI2, WR_A, WR_B>
make_union_different_iterator(FI1 begin_a, FI1 end_a, FI2 begin_b, FI2 end_b) {
        return union_different_iterator<FI1, FI2, WR_A, WR_B>(begin_a, end_a, begin_b, end_b);

template <typename FI1, typename FI2, template <typename> class WR_A, template <typename> class WR_B>
inline union_different_iterator<FI1, FI2, WR_A, WR_B>
make_union_different_iterator( pair<FI1, FI1> range_a, pair<FI2, FI2> range_b ) {
        return union_different_iterator<FI1, FI2, WR_A, WR_B>(range_a.first, range_a.second,
                                                                range_b.first, range_b.second);

template <typename FI1, typename FI2, template <typename> class WR_A, template <typename> class WR_B>
inline pair< union_different_iterator<FI1, FI2, WR_A, WR_B>,
             union_different_iterator<FI1, FI2, WR_A, WR_B> >
make_union_different_range( FI1 begin_a, FI1 end_a, FI2 begin_b, FI2 end_b ) {
        return make_pair( make_union_different_iterator<FI1, FI2, WR_A, WR_B>( begin_a, end_a, begin_b, end_b ),
                              make_union_different_iterator<FI1, FI2, WR_A, WR_B>( end_a, end_a, end_b, end_b ) );

template <typename FI1, typename FI2, template <typename> class WR_A, template <typename> class WR_B>
inline pair< union_different_iterator<FI1, FI2, WR_A, WR_B>,
             union_different_iterator<FI1, FI2, WR_A, WR_B> >
make_union_different_range( pair<FI1, FI1> range_a, pair<FI2, FI2> range_b ) {
        return make_pair( make_union_different_iterator<FI1, FI2, WR_A, WR_B>( range_a, range_b ),
                              make_union_different_iterator<FI1, FI2, WR_A, WR_B>( range_a.second, range_a.second,
                                                                                               range_b.second, range_b.second ) );



#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/properties.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graph_utility.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/exception.hpp>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>

#include "union_different_iterator.hpp"

  // wrappers

template <typename T>
class WR1
        WR1() : _data( T() ) {}
        WR1( T data ) : _data( data ) {}
        const WR1<T> operator=( const WR1<T>& other )
                _data = other._data;
        bool operator==( const WR1<T>& other ) const
                return _data == other._data;
        T _data;

template <typename T>
class WR2
        WR2() : _data( T() ) {}
        WR2( T data ) : _data( data ) {}
        const WR2<T> operator=( const WR2<T>& other )
                _data = other._data;
        bool operator==( const WR2<T>& other ) const
                return _data == other._data;

        T _data;

namespace boost {

  struct not_same_num_vertices : public bad_graph {
      : bad_graph("The two graphs of an union_graph must have the same number of vertices.")
    { }

  // union_graph

  struct union_graph_tag { };

  template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
  class union_graph {

    typedef union_graph<Graph1, Graph2> self;
    typedef Graph1 graph_type1;
    typedef Graph2 graph_type2;

    // Constructor
        union_graph( const Graph1& g1, const Graph2& g2 ) : m_g1(g1), m_g2(g2)
      // TODO: precondition: Traits::directed_category must be the same
      // TODO: precondition: Traits::Traits::traversal_category be the same
      // TODO: precondition: Traits::edge_parallel_category be the same

      if ( num_vertices( g1 ) != num_vertices( g2 ) )
        throw not_same_num_vertices();

    // Graph requirements
        typedef boost::variant<WR1<typename graph_traits<Graph1>::vertex_descriptor>,
                                   WR2<typename graph_traits<Graph2>::vertex_descriptor> > vertex_descriptor;
    typedef typename graph_traits<Graph1>::directed_category directed_category;
    typedef typename graph_traits<Graph1>::traversal_category traversal_category;
    typedef typename graph_traits<Graph1>::edge_parallel_category edge_parallel_category;

    // IncidenceGraph requirements
        typedef boost::variant<WR1<typename graph_traits<Graph1>::edge_descriptor>,
                                   WR2<typename graph_traits<Graph2>::edge_descriptor> >edge_descriptor;
        typedef union_different_iterator< typename graph_traits<Graph1>::out_edge_iterator,
                                      typename graph_traits<Graph2>::out_edge_iterator,
                                                                          WR1, WR2 > out_edge_iterator;
        typedef typename graph_traits<Graph1>::degree_size_type degree_size_type;

    // AdjacencyGraph requirements
        typedef union_different_iterator< typename graph_traits<Graph1>::adjacency_iterator,
                                      typename graph_traits<Graph2>::adjacency_iterator,
                                                                          WR1, WR2 > adjacency_iterator;

    // BidirectionalGraph requirements
        typedef union_different_iterator< typename graph_traits<Graph1>::in_edge_iterator,
                                      typename graph_traits<Graph2>::in_edge_iterator,
                                                                          WR1, WR2 > in_edge_iterator;

    // VertexListGraph requirements
        typedef union_different_iterator< typename graph_traits<Graph1>::vertex_iterator,
                                      typename graph_traits<Graph2>::vertex_iterator,
                                                                          WR1, WR2 > vertex_iterator;
        typedef typename graph_traits<Graph1>::vertices_size_type vertices_size_type;

    // EdgeListGraph requirements
        typedef union_different_iterator< typename graph_traits<Graph1>::edge_iterator,
                                      typename graph_traits<Graph2>::edge_iterator,
                                                                          WR1, WR2 > edge_iterator;

        typedef typename graph_traits<Graph1>::edges_size_type edges_size_type;

        typedef typename ::boost::edge_property_type<Graph1>::type edge_property_type;
        typedef typename ::boost::vertex_property_type<Graph1>::type vertex_property_type;

    typedef union_graph_tag graph_tag;


    // Bundled properties support
    template<typename Descriptor>
    typename graph::detail::bundled_result<Graph1, Descriptor>::type&
    operator[](Descriptor x)
    { return const_cast<Graph1&>(this->m_g1)[x]; }

    template<typename Descriptor>
    typename graph::detail::bundled_result<Graph1, Descriptor>::type const&
    operator[](Descriptor x) const
    { return this->m_g1[x]; }


    static vertex_descriptor null_vertex()
       return Graph1::null_vertex();

        // private:
        const Graph1& m_g1;
        const Graph2& m_g2;


  template<typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
  struct vertex_bundle_type<union_graph<Graph1, Graph2> >
    : vertex_bundle_type<Graph1> { };

  template<typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
  struct edge_bundle_type<union_graph<Graph1, Graph2> >
    : edge_bundle_type<Graph1> { };


  // Non-member functions for the Filtered Edge Graph

  // Helper functions
  template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
  inline union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>
  make_union_graph(Graph1& g1, Graph2& g2) {
    return union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>(g1, g2);

  template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
  inline union_graph<const Graph1, const Graph2>
  make_union_graph(const Graph1& g1, const Graph2& g2 ) {
    return union_graph<const Graph1, const Graph2>(g1, g2);

  namespace detail
    template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
        std::pair<typename graph_traits<Graph1>::vertex_descriptor,
              typename graph_traits<Graph2>::vertex_descriptor>
    get_corresponding_vertices(const typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::vertex_descriptor& u)
      typedef union_graph<Graph1, Graph2> UG;
      typedef graph_traits<Graph1>::vertex_descriptor VD1;
      typedef graph_traits<Graph2>::vertex_descriptor VD2;

          VD1 u1;
      VD2 u2;

      if ( boost::get<WR1<VD1> >( &u ) )
        u1 = boost::get<WR1<VD1> >( u )._data;
        u2 = u1;
        u2 = boost::get<WR2<VD2> >( u )._data;
        u1 = u2;

          return make_pair( u1, u2 );

  // IncidenceGraph requirements
  template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
  std::pair<typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::out_edge_iterator,
            typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::out_edge_iterator>
  out_edges(const typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::vertex_descriptor& u,
            const union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>& g)
    typedef union_graph<Graph1, Graph2> UG;
        typedef graph_traits<Graph1>::vertex_descriptor VD1;
    typedef graph_traits<Graph2>::vertex_descriptor VD2;
        typedef graph_traits<Graph1>::out_edge_iterator OEI1;
    typedef graph_traits<Graph2>::out_edge_iterator OEI2;

        VD1 u1;
        VD2 u2;

        tie( u1, u2 ) = detail::get_corresponding_vertices<Graph1, Graph2>( u );
        return make_union_different_range<OEI1, OEI2, WR1, WR2>( out_edges(u1, g.m_g1), out_edges(u2, g.m_g2) );

  template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
  typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::vertex_descriptor
  source(const typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::edge_descriptor& e,
         const union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>& g)
    typedef union_graph<Graph1, Graph2> UG;
        typedef graph_traits<Graph1>::vertex_descriptor VD1;
    typedef graph_traits<Graph2>::vertex_descriptor VD2;
        typedef graph_traits<Graph1>::edge_descriptor ED1;
    typedef graph_traits<Graph2>::edge_descriptor ED2;

    if ( boost::get<WR1<ED1> >( &e ) )
      return graph_traits<UG>::vertex_descriptor( WR1<VD1>( source( boost::get<WR1<ED1> >( e )._data, g.m_g1 ) ) );
      return graph_traits<UG>::vertex_descriptor( WR2<VD2>( source( boost::get<WR2<ED2> >( e )._data, g.m_g2 ) ) );

  template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
  typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::vertex_descriptor
  target(const typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::edge_descriptor& e,
         const union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>& g)
    typedef union_graph<Graph1, Graph2> UG;
        typedef graph_traits<Graph1>::vertex_descriptor VD1;
    typedef graph_traits<Graph2>::vertex_descriptor VD2;
        typedef graph_traits<Graph1>::edge_descriptor ED1;
    typedef graph_traits<Graph2>::edge_descriptor ED2;

    if ( boost::get<WR1<ED1> >( &e ) )
      return graph_traits<UG>::vertex_descriptor( WR1<VD1>( target( boost::get<WR1<ED1> >( e )._data, g.m_g1 ) ) );
      return graph_traits<UG>::vertex_descriptor( WR2<VD2>( target( boost::get<WR2<ED2> >( e )._data, g.m_g2 ) ) );

  template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
  typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::degree_size_type
  out_degree(const typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::vertex_descriptor& u,
             const union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>& g)
    typedef union_graph<Graph1, Graph2> UG;
        typedef graph_traits<Graph1>::vertex_descriptor VD1;
    typedef graph_traits<Graph2>::vertex_descriptor VD2;

        VD1 u1;
        VD2 u2;

        tie( u1, u2 ) = detail::get_corresponding_vertices<Graph1, Graph2>( u );
        return out_degree(u1, g.m_g1) + out_degree(u2, g.m_g2);

  // BidirectionalGraph requirements
  template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
  std::pair<typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::in_edge_iterator,
            typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::in_edge_iterator>
  in_edges(const typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::vertex_descriptor& u,
           const union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>& g)
    typedef union_graph<Graph1, Graph2> UG;
        typedef graph_traits<Graph1>::vertex_descriptor VD1;
    typedef graph_traits<Graph2>::vertex_descriptor VD2;
        typedef graph_traits<Graph1>::in_edge_iterator IEI1;
    typedef graph_traits<Graph2>::in_edge_iterator IEI2;

        VD1 u1;
        VD2 u2;

        tie( u1, u2 ) = detail::get_corresponding_vertices<Graph1, Graph2>( u );
        return make_union_different_range<IEI1, IEI2, WR1, WR2>( in_edges<Graph1>(u1, g.m_g1), in_edges<Graph2>(u2, g.m_g2) );

  template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
  typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::degree_size_type
  in_degree(const typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::vertex_descriptor& u,
             const union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>& g)

    typedef union_graph<Graph1, Graph2> UG;
        typedef graph_traits<Graph1>::vertex_descriptor VD1;
    typedef graph_traits<Graph2>::vertex_descriptor VD2;

        VD1 u1;
        VD2 u2;

        tie( u1, u2 ) = detail::get_corresponding_vertices<Graph1, Graph2>( u );
        return in_degree(u1, g.m_g1) + in_degree(u2, g.m_g2);

  template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
  typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::degree_size_type
  degree(const typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::vertex_descriptor& u,
             const union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>& g)
    return out_degree(u, g) + in_degree(u, g);

  // AdjacencyGraph requirements
  template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
  std::pair<typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::adjacency_iterator,
            typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::adjacency_iterator>
  adjacent_vertices(const typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::vertex_descriptor& u,
                    const union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>& g)
    typedef union_graph<Graph1, Graph2> UG;
        typedef graph_traits<Graph1>::vertex_descriptor VD1;
    typedef graph_traits<Graph2>::vertex_descriptor VD2;
        typedef graph_traits<Graph1>::adjacency_iterator AI1;
    typedef graph_traits<Graph2>::adjacency_iterator AI2;

        VD1 u1;
        VD2 u2;

        tie( u1, u2 ) = detail::get_corresponding_vertices<Graph1, Graph2>( u );
        return make_union_different_range<AI1, AI2, WR1, WR2>( adjacent_vertices(u1, g.m_g1), adjacent_vertices(u2, g.m_g2) );

  // VertexListGraph requirements
  template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
  typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::vertices_size_type
  num_vertices(const union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>& g)
    return num_vertices(g.m_g1);

  template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
  std::pair<typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::vertex_iterator,
            typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::vertex_iterator>
  vertices(const union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>& g)
    typedef union_graph<Graph1, Graph2> UG;
        typedef graph_traits<Graph1>::vertex_iterator VI1;
    typedef graph_traits<Graph2>::vertex_iterator VI2;

        VI2 vi2 = VI2();
        VI2 vi2_end = vi2;

    return make_union_different_range<VI1, VI2, WR1, WR2>( vertices(g.m_g1), make_pair(vi2, vi2_end) );

  // EdgeListGraph requirements
  template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
  typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::edges_size_type
  num_edges(const union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>& g)
    return num_edges(g.m_g1) + num_edges(g.m_g2);

  template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
  std::pair<typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::edge_iterator,
            typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::edge_iterator>
  edges(const union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>& g)
    typedef union_graph<Graph1, Graph2> UG;
        typedef graph_traits<Graph1>::edge_iterator EI1;
    typedef graph_traits<Graph2>::edge_iterator EI2;

    return make_union_different_range<EI1, EI2, WR1, WR2>( edges(g.m_g1), edges(g.m_g2) );

  // AdjacencyMatrix requirements
  template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
  std::pair<typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::edge_descriptor, bool>
  edge(const typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::vertex_descriptor& u,
       const typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::vertex_descriptor& v,
       const union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>& g)
    typedef union_graph<Graph1, Graph2> UG;
        typedef graph_traits<Graph1>::vertex_descriptor VD1;
    typedef graph_traits<Graph2>::vertex_descriptor VD2;
        typedef graph_traits<Graph1>::edge_descriptor ED1;
    typedef graph_traits<Graph2>::edge_descriptor ED2;
        VD1 u1, v1;
        VD2 u2, v2;

        tie( u1, u2 ) = detail::get_corresponding_vertices<Graph1, Graph2>( u );
        tie( v1, v2 ) = detail::get_corresponding_vertices<Graph1, Graph2>( v );

        // g1 check
      ED1 e1;
      bool exists;
      tie( e1, exists ) = edge(u1, v1, g.m_g1);

      if ( exists )
        return make_pair( graph_traits<UG>::edge_descriptor( WR1<ED1>( e1 ) ), exists );

        // g2 check
      ED2 e2;
      bool exists;
      tie( e2, exists ) = edge(u2, v2, g.m_g2);
      return make_pair( graph_traits<UG>::edge_descriptor( WR2<ED2>( e2 ) ), exists );

  // Property map

  namespace detail {
    struct union_graph_property_selector {
      template <class UnionGraph, class Property, class Tag>
      struct bind_ {
        typedef typename UnionGraph::graph_type Graph;
        typedef property_map<Graph, Tag> Map;
        typedef typename Map::type type;
        typedef typename Map::const_type const_type;
  } // namespace detail

  template <>
  struct vertex_property_selector<union_graph_tag> {
    typedef detail::union_graph_property_selector type;
  template <>
  struct edge_property_selector<union_graph_tag> {
    typedef detail::union_graph_property_selector type;

  template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2, typename Property>
  typename property_map<Graph1, Property>::type
  get(Property p, union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>& g)
    return get(p, const_cast<Graph1&>(g.m_g1));

  template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2, typename Property>
  typename property_map<Graph1, Property>::const_type
  get(Property p, const union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>& g)
    return get(p, (const Graph1&)g.m_g1);

  template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2, typename Property,
            typename Key>
  typename property_map_value<Graph1, Property>::type
  get(Property p, const union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>& g, const Key& k)
    return get(p, (const Graph1&)g.m_g1, k);

  template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2, typename Property>
  typename property_map_value<Graph1, Property>::type
  get(Property p, const union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>& g, const typename union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>::vertex_descriptor& u)
        typedef graph_traits<Graph1>::vertex_descriptor VD1;
    typedef graph_traits<Graph2>::vertex_descriptor VD2;

        VD1 u1;
        VD2 u2;
        //tie( u1, u2 ) = detail::get_corresponding_vertices<Graph1, Graph2>( u );
    return get(p, (const Graph1&)g.m_g1, u1);

  template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2, typename Property,
            typename Key, typename Value>
  put(Property p, const union_graph<Graph1, Graph2>& g, const Key& k,
      const Value& val)
    put(p, const_cast<Graph1&>(g.m_g1), k, val);

} // namespace boost


Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at