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Subject: [boost] boost 1.39 to 1.40 difference: missing toolset and threading tag from library filename?
From: Todd Lovette (captntoad_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-10-25 00:40:43

Is there a difference in the naming conventions of the libboost_*.so
files from boost 1.39 to boost 1.40.0?

When I build the boost 1.39 libs they have filenames like...


..but when I build boost 1.40.0 all the libs filenames are like so...


Did the library naming change in 1.40 or are their new compile options
to enable the library naming feature?

Build options: (both used on 1.39 & 1.40.0)
./ --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64
./bjam threading=multi

Slamd64 12.1(x86_64) using gcc 4.4.2

Any help would be appticiated!
Todd :-)

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