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Subject: [boost] [log] Release Candidate 4 released
From: Andrey Semashev (andrey.semashev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-01-08 09:14:45

I'm proud to announce that I've released the fourth candidate of
Boost.Log for the review.

There were many improvements since the passed year of development. Many
of them reflect the discussion of RC3. Here's a short list of major changes:

* Substantial documentation improvement. The tutorial section has been
* Removed rotating file stream. As a replacement, a new file sink has
been added, which allows to achieve the same results ans adds a few more
features. It is now possible to collect rotated log files in a dedicated
* Added a new multifile sink backend.
* Added a new ordering asynchronous sink frontend.
* The syslog sink backend is now supported on Windows, too. The sink no
longer requires native support for POSIX API for syslog, but is able to
send syslog packets to a remote server over UDP.
* Added support for scoped logging. There is now a distinct log record
entity, which is returned by the core as a result of filtring.
* Added support for exception control.
* Added a new mode of logging, called trivial logging.

The more complete change log is available here:

The library with docs, tests and examples has been updated in Boost.Vault:

There's SVN repository available on SourceForge project page:

The docs are also available online here:

Comments are welcome.

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