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Subject: Re: [boost] [Polygon] "Ambiguous use of partial specialization" in CodeWarrior
From: Thomas Klimpel (Thomas.Klimpel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-01-10 08:01:02

Kef Schecter wrote:
> It doesn't help, I'm afraid. I get exactly the same errors -- no more,
> no less.

I'll take another shoot at this. I patched polygon_traits.hpp a little to require less SFINAE "power" from the compiler.

So can you try the attached patch to polygon_traits.hpp, and add the line
before the line that contains the include statement for polygon.hpp?

As a side note, the latest revision of Boost.Polygon doesn't pass all regression tests on MSVC-9.0 (basically the "std::map" from "typedef std::map<half_edge, property_map, less_half_edge> scanline_type;" complains at runtime that "less_half_edge" implements an "invalid operator<"). The last revision that works for me is r58551, the first revisions that fails for me is r58795.


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