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Subject: Re: [boost] "Software Development using the C++ Boost Library", book in preparatiion
From: Thorsten Ottosen (thorsten.ottosen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-02-15 16:47:50

Daniel J. Duffy skrev:
> Mathias,'
> Thanks for the feedback. I will look into Phoenix and we are aware that MultiIndex is extremely powerful. So, we intend to do a bit om MI.
> I am interested in data structures that we have not included;is these more besides multi_array, uBLAS and BGL?

Boost.PtrContainer is one example. Boost.Circular Buffer is another.
Boost.Unordered a third. Boost.BiMap yet another (it's a very powerful
and convenient wrapper of Boost.Intrusive).

> We have Function to be very useful for PDEs; a PDE is modelled as a colection of Function instances which have different implementations dependent on the type of PDE (e.g. hear equation, convection, Black Scholes). Compared to function pointers and Bridge pattern this approach is much easier. And for semi-discretisation, a pde coefficient like f(x,y,z,t) transforms to F(t) when the special mesh is used (using Bind).
> How general are intrusive containers? Not just for embedded?

No, there are they are as general as normal containers, but requires
more care to apply due to the requiremnt of reference stability. They
can provide major speedups for normal applications too.


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