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Subject: Re: [boost] [SoC] Summer of Code Project Ideas -- Polygon
From: Jeffrey Hellrung (jhellrung_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-03-12 13:00:32

Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> Jeffrey Hellrung wrote:
>> FWIW, I have working implementations of Schewchuk's expansion
>> arithmetic algorithms (in free functions and classes utilizing these
>> free functions), both for fixed-sized expansions (with error
>> estimates) and arbitrary-sized expansions, if you (or anyone) is
>> interested. It's not self-contained (depends on some other
>> components of our code base), but could be a good starting point if
>> you're looking in that direction. We currently use it in an adaptive
>> context to "robustify" our geometric predicates. Of course, it isn't
>> 100% robust, as overflow and underflow could happen, but so far it
>> has not failed. It's also not going to be as efficient as the
>> "tricks" Shewchuk uses in his triangulation (I'm guessing), but it
>> still gets you somewhere.
> Jeffrey, I'd be interested in taking look at it myself.
> Perhaps you could push it to the Sandbox?

I don't have a boost svn-sandbox account, but seeing as how the code is
not (currently) self-contained and depends on a larger code base, I
don't think it belongs in the sandbox. I have zipped up just the
expansion arithmetic code and uploaded it to

If you are interested in actually using this code, we should discuss. I
imagine it could be excised out of its containing code base without too
much difficulty.

- Jeff

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