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Subject: [boost] [ASIO] Create SSL stream from native socket?
From: Marcel Fransen (mhgfransen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-03-23 08:55:46


I would like to create an ssl stream for an already accepted native socket, just like is possible with basic_stream_socket< tcp >.
How should this be done?

Currently there is only one ssl::stream constructor which takes one parameter that is passed to the basic_stream_socket:

template <typename Arg, typename Context_Service>
  explicit stream(Arg& arg, basic_context<Context_Service>& context)
    : next_layer_(arg),
    service_.create(impl_, next_layer_, context);

To be able to create an ssl stream from an existing socket we would need a constructor which passes three parameters to the basic_stream_socket like this:

  template <typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3, typename Context_Service>
  explicit stream(Arg1& arg1, Arg2& arg2, Arg3& arg3, basic_context<Context_Service>& context)
    : next_layer_(arg1, arg2, arg3),
    service_.create(impl_, next_layer_, context);

Would it be a problem to add constructors that passes two and three parameters to the basic_stream_socket or can this be done in another way?

Kind regards,

M. Fransen

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