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Subject: [boost] Help with GSoC; BigInt and Heaps & Queue
From: Lucas Gambarra (lucas_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-03-26 17:26:21


I'm very interested in participating in GSoC. While watching the list of
ideas proposed by the boost C++ Libraries, I was really interested in two of
them: 'Heaps & Queues' and 'BigInt'. I am a student of Computing Sciences of
the Federal University of Paraíba - Brazil. I wanted information on how to
contact the mentortes of such projects. Could someone help me?

Forgive me for my English.

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Lucas Lucena Gambarra
Estagiário no Laboratório de Sistemas Digitais (LASID - UFPB)
Projeto Brazil-IP 2010

email: lucas.ufpb_at_[hidden]
MSN: lucas_gambarra_at_hotmail. com

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