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Subject: Re: [boost] [GSoC] Generic Linked List library
From: Mathias Gaunard (mathias.gaunard_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-03-29 17:51:31

Thomas Mullaly wrote:

> I feel that this would be a valuable library to Boost because the
> standards implementation limits you (depending on your library vendor)
> to either a constant time size() function with a linear time splice
> operations or constant time splice operations with a linear time size()
> function. With my implementations a developer will be able to pick and
> choose whether they want a singly or a doubly linked list, or if they
> want to use a counted listed instead of a non-counted list. Also their
> is variations in memory/runtime efficiency between the different
> variations of the list types which a developer will be able to choose for.
> Currently my list implementations make heavy use of the new features
> available in C++0x such as rvalue references and move semantics, but, I
> will be more than happy to create a backport of these for the current
> C++ standard so they can be included in Boost.

There are already in Boost.Intrusive single linked list and double
linked lists, and both are wrapped into containers with full move,
emplace and next-gen allocator support in Boost.Container (in the review

The containers do not have policies in order to keep the standard
interface, but the intrusive versions do.
It might be interesting to ask the author of those two libraries, Ion
Gaztañaga, whether he thinks you can provide improvements to them.
In any case I'm not sure there is enough material for a project there.

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