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Subject: [boost] [MSM] using irow "internal transitions" and constructor arguments for frontend ?
From: Richard Szabo (sz.richard_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-03-30 12:09:35

Hi All

We are in a process to evaluate boost::msm 2.0 we would like to use it
in our project.
We were using sources from
version 2.0.

We have seen that there was a review early this year is there a boost
version where msm will be officially part of boost lib ?.
Is anybody used boost::msm in a real life project is there any
measures about stability ?.

Furthermore we had the following problems during our evaluation:

1.) in the documentation there is a section about internal transitions
using irow :

 see : irow < Empty , cd_detected , &p::internal_action
,&p::internal_guard >

but we did not find the irow definition in the sources ?.

2.) State machine constructor with arguments in the documentation
there is an example but we did not managed to get it working

is this example correct in the documentation ?.

struct player_ : public msm::front::state_machine_def<player_>


  player_(int some_value){…}


This is still possible, using the back-end as forwarding object:

typedef msm::back::state_machine<player_ > player;

player p(3);

// do something with the state machine

Thanks in Advance
Richie & Michi

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