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Subject: Re: [boost] libzeep
From: Sohail Somani (sohail_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-04-13 08:47:41

On 13/04/2010 8:04 AM, Maarten L. Hekkelman wrote:
> I'm looking forward to your feedback.

How is it compared to pugixml? pugixml is fast and has a XPath
implementation but it is not as full an implementation as I'd like. It's
also pretty easy to hack on.

What kind of W3C-based testing have you done for the XPath
implementation? Are there even any tests? In either case, how difficult
is it to add missing functions? I see a hard-coded list. Would be extra
awesome if I could add to this list at run-time but the need for that is
very low. However, it could make some stuff easier. For example, there
is no "max" XPath function in your code and I'd like to add one.

Will you also add a SOAP client? Pretty please :)

I will give the library a try, I see it is under BSL already.

Sohail Somani

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