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Subject: Re: [boost] [tokenmap] updated perfect hash container in sandbox
From: strasser_at_[hidden]
Date: 2010-04-21 13:06:37

Zitat von Slawomir Lisznianski <sl_at_[hidden]>:


I have read the rationale (i.e. example use cases), that's why I was
asking for additional rationale.
I think I have figured it out from the source code now, but I meant
something like:

what is the purpose of the container?
that it can tell valid keys from invalid keys. (-> index into vector)
that keys can not be guessed. (-> randomized key part)
that it can be iterated in linear time to size() instead of
capacity().(-> linked list of nodes)

why is the mapped_type stored by pointer to allocated object instead
of by value?

"One immediate consequence of using this simple strategy is that a
user cannot provide her own tokens"

I think the "randomized part" could be provided by the user, if the
key is a std::pair<index_part, user_part>.

btw, a similar technique (but without the iterating and the
randomizing part) is employed in my implementation of

that would be another use case of your container if it is configurable
enough in the final version.


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