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Subject: [boost] [interprocess][move] enum template argument fails to be a valid base class
From: vicente.botet (vicente.botet_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-04-21 18:30:05

I have find a possible bug on the move emulation on "
Boost::Container::Vector with Enum Template Argument - Not Legal Base Class"

As rv inherits from the movable class

template <class T>
class rv : public T
   rv(rv const&);
   void operator=(rv const&);

it doesn't works for enum types. With gcc 3.4. I get

../../../boost/interprocess/detail/move.hpp:79: error: base type `Test::Types' fails to be a struct or class type.

I don't know if this is a know issue with the move emulation.

I have tried to add a specialization for is_movable

namespace boost {
namespace interprocess { // get inside boost
class is_movable<Test::Types> // add custom specialization of is_movable
   : public mpl::bool_<false>

but this doesn't works neither. I have tried to specialize the rv template with

template <>
class rv<Test::Types>
   Test::Types v;
   rv(rv const&);
   void operator=(rv const&);
   operator Test::Types() const {return v;}

and it compiles but the execution fails.

Is there any workaround to this issue or better yet a generic solution?

Vicente Juan Botet Escribá

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