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Subject: Re: [boost] VC10 config - some regressions in several libraries
From: Ion Gaztañaga (igaztanaga_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-04-29 15:10:28

On 29/04/2010 20:00, Jeffrey Hellrung wrote:

> I'm confused. So static_cast< Arg&& >(r) creates a new temporary object
> (rather than just a (rvalue) reference to the r object) when used in
> direct construction, but does not behave this way otherwise (e.g., the
> line after "//Correct binding" above?

Yes, it's something strange, but I think this seems a compiler bug. This
makes some porting to MSVC-10.0 a bit harder. One option is to store all
the addresses in pointers and cast them back somehow without bitting
this bug.

I'll try to getg some GCC 4.5 binary for MinGW to see what happens. If
someone can test it before I find and install it, please let me know.



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