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Subject: Re: [boost] [Booster] Or boost is useless for library developers
From: Lassi Tuura (lat_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-05-20 15:24:58


>> - boost::detail::shared_count -> need out-of-line dtor, vtable, typeinfo
> shared_count needs a vtable? Are you sure?

Sorry, the comment was from slightly more general group of symbols that needed at least one of the above ("needs vtable" meant needs *out-of-line* vtable if it had one).

So in this case it needs just out-of-line destructor. Thanks for pointing that out. We don't want you to go add vtables :-) I am just telling you what is duplicated.

FWIW, boost::detail::shared_count::~shared_count() is our 50th largest symbol by combined size, 474 * 109 bytes = 51666 bytes in total. It's also 24th most common symbol and 4th most common weak symbol. There's actually another similarly named function (demangles to same name), which must be compiler-generated clone with different symbol name, at position 14987, 1484 bytes in total (106 instances times 14 bytes).

boost::detail::shared_count::shared_count(boost::detail::shared_count const&) is 11661 largest symbol, 1888 bytes (118 * 16).


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