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Subject: Re: [boost] 1.43 build broken on MSVC 8.0
From: Steven Watanabe (watanabesj_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-05-21 14:52:32


Rene Rivera wrote:
> On 5/21/2010 1:06 PM, Beman Dawes wrote:
>> IIUC, the OP used this command line after a booststrap:
>> ./bjam.exe --architecture=amd64 --address-model=64 -j2
>> link=shared ...
>> and Volodya replied that "Neither--architecture=amd64 nor
>> --address-model=64 ever worked."
>> Thus the comment about the possibility of adding a check for
>> non-existent switches.
>> Providing some options that require no "-', some that require "-", and
>> some that require "--" may make sense from an internal perspective,
>> but this is terribly confusing to the user. So the user often makes
>> mistakes. To have the mistakes silently ignored makes it difficult or
>> impossible for the ordinary user.
> Ah, yes, we've had that come up before.. Unfortunately the "--"
> options are an open set. So it's rather hard to actually detect when
> those are non-existent.

Is there some way that we could mark options as used?
Could we require everything to go through the options
module instead of doing a raw match against ARGV?
At least, would it be reasonable to warn about arguments
that would look like properties if they didn't have the --?

In Christ,
Steven Watanabe

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