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Subject: Re: [boost] Review Wizard Report for May 2010
From: Stefan Strasser (strasser_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-05-26 12:59:58

> Persistent
> ----------
> :Author: Tim Blechmann


tim blechmann is, I think, the author of Lockfree, not Persistent.

but if you want, you can remove the Persistent description alltogether
for now, as most of what is in the description won`t be part of

as of now there`ll be a submission of a joint library named Transact,
that handles transaction management for boost libraries under
construction that provide transactional resources (4 libraries to my

the transactional containers mentioned in the description will mostly
be handled by library under construction STLdb by Bob Walters.

Persistent will only handle object persistence, based on Transact.

> :Description:
> A library, based on Boost.Serialization, that provides access to persistent
> objects with an interface as close as possible to accessing regular objects
> in memory.
> * object ownership concepts equivalent to the ones used by Boost.SmartPtr:
> shared, weak, scoped (and raw)
> * ACID transactions, including recovery after a crash and "Serializable"
> isolation level
> * concurrent transactions, nested transactions, distributed transactions
> * concurrent access containers: STL containers whose nodes are
> implemented as
> persistent objects and can be accessed without moving the container to
> memory. Concurrent transactions modifying the container are only
> repeated in
> the rare cases the same container node is changed simultanisouly by 2
> threads.
> * extensible by other transactional resources, e.g. an object relational
> mapper based on the upcoming Boost.Rdb library. Multiple resources can be
> combined to one database, with distributed transactions among them.

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