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Subject: [boost] [bcp] Bcp namespace rename causes compile errors on multiple libraries (type_traits, range, spirit, foreach, regex, iostreams) in 1.43
From: Cliff Green (cliffg_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-05-27 13:34:22

Has bcp namespace renaming been tested against all Boost libraries in 1.43? I'm getting compile errors in (or caused by) the following libraries: type_traits, range, spirit, foreach, regex, iostreams (more details later in this message). The compile errors are from a full bjam build of Boost. I haven't compiled tests or built against my work project code, so I suspect there's more errors in header-only libraries.

I'm using g++ 4.1.2 on Linux (although these errors are not compiler specific - I'll also be compiling with VC++ 8.0 at some point).

All of these errors are easily fixed, and are "boost" text substitution problems. I was able to get all libraries to build after my changes, but I would rather not use hacked-up source (I prefer to work with the Boost developers and install non-modified Boost source into our Clearcase COTS VOB).

However, with these (obvious) compile errors, I'm wondering if the bcp namespace facilities are being tested with all Boost libraries? If not, can I work with John Maddock or someone to set up a test process? Besides doing a full extract / rename and build of the libraries, as many examples and tests as possible should also be compiled to find errors in header-only libraries not brought in to the library source build.

Of course it's possible all of the errors I've found have been introduced with new code in 1.43 (which still brings up the need to do a full bcp test before a Boost release), or that I somehow incorrectly used bcp, or there's fixes that haven't been applied to the mainline in SVN.

My use case is a perfect fit for the bcp namespace facilities - my work team delivers an SDK (which links to and uses various Boost libraries) to another group which also links to and uses Boost libraries in their own application (everything builds into the same executable). Currently our work team is constrained to using the same Boost version, but we'd like to break this constraint (in particular, for other groups to use our SDK). We use (or will use) enough Boost libraries that bcp on the ones we care about pulls in about 80% of Boost, so I went ahead and ran bcp on all of Boost.

Details of the compile failures:

-- In type_traits: integral_promotion.hpp, promote.hpp, floating_point_promotion.hpp, header guard probs - original code

#ifndef FILE_boost_type_traits_integral_promotion_hpp_INCLUDED
#define FILE_boost_type_traits_integral_promotion_hpp_INCLUDED

After running bcp with "MyProj_Boost" for the namespace, the header guard is:

#ifndef FILE_boost_type_traits_integral_promotion_hpp_INCLUDED
#define FILE_MyProj_Boost_type_traits_integral_promotion_hpp_INCLUDED

-- In range/config.hpp there's two macros where bcp namespace substitution is incorrectly being applied to the "boost" prefix in boost_range_array:

#define BOOST_RANGE_ARRAY_REF() (boost_range_array)
#define BOOST_RANGE_ARRAY_REF() (&boost_range_array)

Similarly, in range/detail/implementation_help.hpp, the following lines have incorrect substitution:

boost_range_silence_warning( boost_range_array );

-- In Phoenix and Wave, there's a bit of namespace substitution problems, where "namespace phoenix" (in multiple files, such as spirit/home/classic/phoenix) is being replaced with "MyProjectphoenix", and in wave/grammars/cpp_intlit_grammer.hpp and cpp_chlit_grammar.hpp there's "namespace phx=phoenix".

-- In regex/v4/regex_traits.hpp:


The "boost" prefix in boost_extensions_tag is improperly substituted.

-- In foreach.hpp, "boost_foreach_argument_dependent_lookup_hack_value" is not substituted in the enum, but in macros where the enum is used, the substitution is occurring.

In iostreams/close.hpp, close_boost_stream on line 143 is being improperly substituted.

As already mentioned, there's easy changes for each of these. But, is a better answer to make the bcp search and substitution smarter? (I have no idea how easy or hard that would be.)

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